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Presented by
Dr. Angela L. Thibeaux,

Founder & CEO at ATE & Soul Care University

CALLING ALL THE WOMEN BUILDERS! Builders need to be built! So builders, this one is for you! Join Dr. Angela Thibeaux at the Safe Place Women's Retreat for 4 days, 3 nights, of carefully curated activities, sessions, and interactive experiences just for YOU, the builder! Register today!

[ seyf-pleys ],  noun
a space of indefinite extent that provides a physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually safe environment for a person or group of people, especially a place where people can freely express themselves without fear of prejudice, negative judgment, etc.:

Come to the safe place where you can connect with...



From the hugs, to her correction, to her unconditional - love for so many, Dr. Angela Thibeaux is internationally known as a safe place. She is known to journey through life with women of all ages, backgrounds, shapes, sizes, and colors. Unfortunately, as many others, Dr. Angela didn't easily find this among other women, especially those in leadership. Partnered with her call to lead and inspire other leaders, Dr. Angela is birthing, The Safe Place! A space where women can simply be! The Safe Place will host retreats, gatherings, events, outings, and more! 


To kick us off, Dr. Angela has curated an immersive experience for 20 women! Particularly for the women who BUILD! Builders need to be built from the inside out. As a builder herself, Dr. Angela completely understands the complexities of what it takes to build and has planned 4 days of activities, sessions, and interactive activities chosen especially for YOU, the builder! Join us on this journey with The Safe Place! 

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