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Pre-Order your Pure Love t-shirt and hoodie to support the work today! 

Orders will be fulfilled and shipped by December 15th.
VeriSource Members will pick up their shirts on Sunday December 11, 2022


Dear Friends, Family, and Partners,

Could you envision living among 2 million orphans, living in a home constructed with mud on less then $1.57 per month for your entire household? Well, I’d like to share with you a ministry opportunity that ATE, Angela Thibeaux Enterprises, VeriSource Centers have been afforded to offer organizational leadership and ministry support to Pure Love Uganda (PLUG).


PLUG was established in 2010 by Founder and CEO, Zak Fortey, a Ugandan local who saw the need and with God, established the solution. Since then, Zak has partnered with Cory Ratliff, Co-Pastor of Sign of the Dove Church, Nicole Peavy, and a number of others in efforts to grow what he started and impact other communities and nations as an Apostolic work. As a result, we have an opportunity to unify our organizational strengths, efforts, and resources.


During November 25-December 2, I and a team of my leaders will be traveling to Kampala, Uganda with the following purposes and objectives:

Our Ministry Support

objectives are:

  • To minister the love, compassion, and word of Christ Jesus to PLUG Leadership and Children.

  • To Establish connection and relationship with Pure Love Uganda Leadership and the children of the PLUG house, next door program, and students attending the Pure Love School – Totaling 120+ children ranging from toddler to university age.

  • To distribute needed resources throughout PLUG programming (i.e. first aid supplies, clothing, games, etc.)

  • To bridge the connection between the Pure Love Mission and those who have a desire to partner, invest, give, volunteer, and/or support the overall missional cause, projects, and efforts.

Our Organizational Leadership

objectives are:

  • To partner with current leadership to establish structure for discipleship-based programming and curriculum in the areas of ministry, creative arts, marketplace, and overall life skills.

  • To determine the operational needs and structure of current programming.

  • To observe and evaluate the current leadership, team, and programming.

  • To determine Operational Positioning, Role, and Vision for ATE, Partners, and Pure Love International (PLI).

I am excited about the experience and opportunities that lie ahead, however, I am most excited about the impact and joy that can come out of the love shared with beautiful children and leaders we will encounter. I hope you can see the value in these efforts. As you can imagine, a trip like this requires financial support from a number of people. Collectively we need to raise $7000 by Friday, November 4th. If you can support me in a financial way, I would be very grateful and you can do so via the information and links shared below. And, most importantly, I also need your prayer support. Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow God's leading in ministry. Without prayer, nothing will happen.



While money is important, it comes in a distant second to our need for your prayer support. Since prayer support is so important to the success of this mission, I would like to know if I can count on you in that area. Subscribe via the button below to receive prayer points and trip updates. 


Lastly, please know that ALL considerations, prayers, & donations are very much appreciated!


Thank you!


For those who haven't heard,

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